A Proven Community Champion

Introducing House of Delegates District 92 Democrat- Kim Sudderth.

House of Delegates District 92 is a brand new redistricted precinct, Kim believes this is the perfect opportunity for new leadership at the state level. As a candidate, Kim brings her history of community organizing for change and her passion for her community to the forefront of political leadership. Her proven history of service, political wins, and grassroots support make her truly the people’s choice to represent them.

Experience Matters

Kim Sudderth is running to represent the newly redistricted House of Delegates 92nd District. Raised here in a military family, a mother of three, Kim has leadership certifications from Virginia Commonwealth and Harvard Universities. Kim brings a strong record as an advocate for our community.

Over the past decade, Kim has devoted her career to protecting the places where we live, learn, work, and pray.

She has become a leader in fighting for environmental justice and against social inequities at the local, state, and federal levels to protect the most vulnerable communities.

As a community advocate and the first Black woman to serve as Vice Chair of the Norfolk Planning Commission, she has ensured that the people are the centerpiece of every decision. Kim is a proven community champion who will go to work for us on day one.

Understanding the Road Ahead

As a strategist around climate policy, Kim has a deep knowledge of the impacts our region needs to grow through if we are to succeed. As both an educational practitioner/fellow and business owner, Kim has a firm grasp of the need for compromise, compassion, and community unity to face the challenges ahead. Meaningful engagement with everyday citizens is paramount to the success of our region, and she has a proven track record of listening with intention and empowering others to engage.

Building Bridges- The conversation starts here and now…

Kim knows that the work to protect our community never takes a break. We want to hear from you, now. If there is an issue you’d like to share or an idea of how Kim’s campaign can engage with you in a more meaningful way- please let us know. Our contact us form is below.

“In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.” -Albert Einstein


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
